After Singapore

I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more

Category: indonesia

  • Off-The-Grid Wedding

    Off-The-Grid Wedding

    Saturday morning, I with my family drove to Jakarta. I was about to attend an on-site wedding of a cousin that day. The wedding involves the Tea Pai, a ceremony where the newly wed present cup of tea for their elders. Since my dad decided not to attend the ceremony due to COVID-19 precautions, I…

  • Vocational Schools Art Festival

    Vocational Schools Art Festival

    The Indonesian education ministry has this department called Pusat Prestasi Nasional (Puspresnas, National Achievement Center) that holds various competitions for students in Indonesia. One of their program is the FLS2N SMK (Festival dan Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). It roughly translates to Art Competition and Festival for Vocational High Schools, though during…

  • In Search for Kopitiam Aroma

    In Search for Kopitiam Aroma

    As you may have known from this blog, I spent a fairly amount of time in Singapore, and its culture has a special place in my heart. One of the many things I miss is the Singapore kopi (coffee) and kopitiam (coffee shop). In Singapore (and Malaysia), kopi is actually not a plain coffee. It…

  • Sentul Meeting: My First Travel in COVID-19 Situation

    Sentul Meeting: My First Travel in COVID-19 Situation

    I noticed two extremes in how my acquaintances respond to COVID-19 stay at home notice. At one end, those who stay at home as much as possible like there is zombie apocalypse. At the other end, those who think that social distancing is nonsense and COVID-19 is a conspiracy. This story is for those who…

  • Guest Post: Desmond School Day

    Guest Post: Desmond School Day

    This is a guest post from my son. Not translated to English. Please ask Bing / Google Translator to do it for you. Thanks. Yang kesatu: belajar. Yang kedua: makan. Yang ketiga: berenang. Udah. Hari ini belajar ca ci cu ce co. Habis itu bermain. Bermain lego. Setelah itu menjahit. Habis itu main miniset bunga.…

  • Jakarta and Malang Trip

    Jakarta and Malang Trip

    Every year, our team at PT DNArtworks Komunikasi Visual spend a few days for company outing outside our city of residences. The team itself is split into Jakarta and Bandung team. While in previous years we met at our destination, this year we met at Jakarta, and flew together to Malang. The Bandung team, seven…

  • Glamping at Ciwidey

    Glamping at Ciwidey

    ? Klik untuk versi Bahasa Indonesia The faculty I work at has a yearly schedule of paid vacation together. The last time I took part at this kind of vacation was to Singapore in 2015. Normally employees are allowed to bring family members along, but may or may not need to pay, depending on the…

  • Kereta Api Priority Class

    As you may have known, PT Kereta Api Indonesia launched Priority class for at least a few months back. It is intended to be better than already good executive class, and only available on selected time / destination. The price is twice the the price executive class (+/- IDR 250.000,- for Jakarta-Bandung one way) so…

  • Catholicer Seminar Trip

    Time has changed. It has been a long time since I last wrote a longer story (How are you? Have you been reading longer blog posts, lately?). Anyway, I share here my journey to Jakarta, to attend a seminar held by Catholicer, an organization that promotes fusion of technology and Catholic. My department, Teknik Informatika,…

  • Bali Back to Back

    Bali Back to Back

    I had a chance to visit Bali twice within a few months. Lebaran Family Trip First was during the Lebaran holiday, in which I can absolutely say no to all my work. With my wife, son, and mom-in-law, we spent 4 days of colorful vacation in Bali. Considering our 23 months old boy Desmond, we…